

The Philippines election proves that social media is a major problem

4 minutes, 51 seconds

I'm not an expert in the Philippines, and I don't claim to be, but it's worth talking about after their presidential election results. Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr won the 2022 election despite being the son of a horrible dictator.

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Political pundits and voters don't understand how people vote

11 minutes, 19 seconds

We start to see all these so-called political experts writing articles or speaking on TV about things they know nothing about during another seemingly never-ending election cycle. Most of it is very troubling.

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George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Coronavirus, a dog, birds, the NFL and systemic racism, ignorance and power abuse

19 minutes, 47 seconds

The inundation of bad news has been relentless lately. First, Coronavirus is unleashed. The earliest cases seemed to have occurred in August in China. It was already in France by the end of December.

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Not allowing abortions should be criminal

6 minutes, 50 seconds

The latest ruling by the supreme court to repeal Roe vs. Wade doesn’t think long term. Forcing people to have babies they don’t want and could harm their health, benefits no one in society.

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